Architectural Animation
Looking for top architectural animation studios in London?
If you want to bring your architectural presentations to life, in order to engage with the client more comprehensively, you should consider using the services of our animation studios in London.
Who we are
We are DJS CGI, and we have grown to become one of the top architectural studios, specialising in visualising the unbuilt world for our clients.
Based in Fulham, London, we began offering our unique visualisation services in 2010. Since then, we have become one of the most sought after studios, not just in London, but worldwide, as more and more people are turning to animation, to take their marketing campaigns to the ultimate level.
The services we offer
As top quality, image inspired story tellers we offer the complete range of CGI services including:
· Visualisations of interiors
· Fly-by animations
· Walk-through animations
· Creative architectural movies
· Images depicting before and after
· Aerial presentations
· Mast photography presentations
· Actual verified photography
· Films presenting completed spaces
· Interactive VR presentations
Our use of 3D technology, combined with our animation skills,produce imagery to fire the imagination of our clients, and our client’s clients.
Who we work for
Here at DJS CGI we have worked on some of the architectural world’s most prestigious products. Our clients include architects, interior designers, and property developers. We are also often commissioned by other creative agencies that are in need of our specialised services.
Architectural animation at the cutting edge
Some of our clients use our architectural animations to support group presentations they make. Others need the ability to be able to show clients their projects on an individual caller basis. Thanks to the cutting edge technology that we use, all this is possible, and it’s something we do on a regular basis.
If a new potential client calls you up out of the blue and is interested in a project you are marketing, you can grant him/her access to an online presentation; one that includes animation, allowing the client to experience a VR walk-through or fly-be, wherein he/she can control where they go and what they see. It’s a superb use of 3D and animation, and one which provides superb imagery that totally engages the client.
Source material
The specialist team of CGI experts that we employ at our animation studios in London can produce a 3D architectural animation from various sources. We can use your blueprints, technical specification sheets, floor plans, photographs, and even concept drawings.
Viewing platforms
The finished animation can be tailored to work with any platform you nominate including:
· Android devices
· Blackberry devices
· iPads
· iPhones
· Mac
· PC
· Touch-screen devices
For the ultimate virtual reality experience, our architectural animations can be viewed through VR headsets.
Contact DJS CGI today to find out more
To find out more about the full range of CGI services that we offer here at DJS CGI, please call us on +44 (0)20 7183 2017. Alternatively, browse our website or email us at