London VR Studios

A VR studio in London that produces stunning VR walk-throughs

Are you an architect or property developer who has been looking for a top VR studio in London? If you are, you’re in luck. You are about to become acquainted with DJS CGI; one of the leading lights in architectural VR presentation creation, not just here in London, but around the world too.

For a variety of design-led industries, one of the biggest problems is convincing the potential customer what the finished article is going to look like. 2D presentations are old hat, while 3D takes presentations to a higher level.  However, you are still reliant on your clients making that leap of faith, to get on-board and excited by a design concept.    

Architecture is very much one of these design led industries and it’s an industry where VR can make all the difference.

Sharing our vision

We are DJS CGI, and from our London VR Studios, we would like to share with you our vision of how the exciting new technology that is VR, can benefit the design world at large, both from the architects’ and the property developers’ viewpoints, and the clients’ viewpoints too.

We would also like to share with you our thoughts of how the architectural industry will progress as VR becomes more widely accepted and implemented.

VR in the architectural world

VR has almost limitless potential when it comes to architects, interior designers and property developers. Starting at the initial mock-up stage and working right the way through to the special finishing touches that can take any project from looking good, to looking outstanding. VR has the wherewithal to market and/or sell a concept, 1000% more so than any other type of medium.


London VR Studios


The best way to engage clients before any construction work has started

One of the great difficulties that architects and designers face is getting the client to engage before construction work actually begins. Of course the larger the project, the more stakeholders are likely to be involved, simply compounding the problem even further.  To get all of these stakeholders together, and to then convince them to agree on a course of action, can be nigh impossible.

Just as good (if not better) than a real life survey  

This is when VR can really come into its own. The presentations that we produce here at DJS CGI, in our VR studio in London, will transport you and your clients into a virtual reality 3D world that will give viewers the freedom to explore a property, a floor or an environment, in any way they want to.

You and your clients will be able to open doors, close windows – even look out of windows. They will be able to switch lights on and off, move themselves and objects around a room; look into cupboards, open drawers –They will be able to do whatever they please, just as if they were enacting a real life survey or tour. It’s not only a great way to engage, but a superb opportunity to collect useful feedback.

A VR walk-through is just as good as the real thing; maybe even better, because it can be done from the comfort of your own office.

Contact our London VR Studios today

If you’d like to find out more about VR and how it can help you to market your conceptions, please contact our VR studio in London on +44 (0)20 7183 2017. Please also feel free to browse our website or email us at