DJS were asked to have a look at their exciting new site in Ashford, Kent.  The multi-phase residential development looked great, located right next to a river and park and with great access to transport links in a very exciting part of the country.  The setting made for some existing visuals and the DJS team could not wait to get started. A total of 14 exterior and interior visualisations were delivered.

We undertook a view study and worked out the best angles and lighting set ups that would work with the client.  Early “clay” images were used in the clients brochure to check they worked on the pages and tweaks feedback.  Several of the interiors benefitted from showing two images in one space to properly explain the layout.  This method can be more cost effective and leads to a more complete understanding of the development.

As the development was in such early stages the interior design was not complete and DJS were asked to show indicative interiors based on reference from the client.  The DJS team are very happy to provide this service and it worked well with the interiors looking great and indicating the high quality of finish that is planned what an existing location
this site offers.


